In the fictional world of The Smurfs, Gargamel the Evil Wizard is the sworn enemy of the Smurfs and always tries to capture the Smurfs. He is the main antagonist in the show and comic books. His main goal in life is to destroy the Smurfs or to capture enough of them to create a potion to turn base matter into gold.
Gargamel is a man who is perpetually stooped. His dark robe is worn and patched, and his teeth are rotten. He is a misanthrope, hating pretty much everyone and the Smurfs in particular, though he will sometimes feign friendship if there is something in it for him. He is also an abject coward, surrendering or fleeing upon the merest hint of personal risk or harm.
Gargamel lives in a run-down, though solidly built hovel with his
mangy cat Azrael. Gargamel frequently denigrates, insults, and abuses Azrael, but he does in fact love him. In one episode of
The Smurfs, Gargamel is depressed and saddened that Azrael had run away, and wishes he would come back. In another episode, Balthazar wants to kill a wildcat that Azrael befriended for his fur, and Gargamel begged him not to.
Gargamel is an eternal bungler. Some of his schemes to catch Smurfs border on the bizarre (such as a "blue
magnet" that attracted solely blue items), though he does have rare moments of genius (the creation of
Smurfette, for one).
He has a seemingly endless library of
potions, and gimmicks for his life's passion. However, no matter how elaborate Gargamel's plans, they invariably end in failure, causing him to spout his
catch phrase:
"I hate those Smurfs!". Sometimes he will also throw a temper tantrum, and howl in grief that
"I am brave and strong and they are puny and weak, and why can't I defeat those miserable vile little Smurfs?!" However, his defeats never discourage him, and he always vows,
"I'll get you if it's the last thing I do!"
When Gargamel first appeared in Le Voleur de schtroumpf ("The Smurfnapper"), published in 1959, he captured a smurf which he needed as an ingredient for a potion to make goldin accordance with the famed alchemic legend of the Philosopher's Stone. The other smurfs rallied against him, freed the kidnapped smurf and the sorcerer was defeated and humiliated. Gargamel swore revenge: from now on the conflict would be personal.
Sometimes, he wants to eat the Smurfs, while other times, he wants to use them to make gold, and still other times, he has even more bizarre uses for them (in one instance, he is so enraged by his loss that he yells "I don't want to eat them, I don't want to turn them into gold, all I want now is to DESTROY THEM!"). Though he often catches Smurfs who wander by his home or which he happens across in the forest, he does not know the location of the hidden Smurf village, a fact which continually frustrates him.

On some occasions, he has discovered the location of the village, but sooner or later, gets led away from it due to either a magic spell put on him by
Papa Smurf or because of some other bizarre factor. Sometimes, it is simply a matter of his being led away from the village while chasing the Smurfs, losing them and then being unable to find his way back.
On one occasion, his obsessive search led him to explore the deepest caves, the muddiest marshlands and even going far out to sea. He was just about to give up and go home when, quite by chance, he did finally find the village — but, as always, circumstances were against him.
There were a few times in the series that Gargamel was on the same side as the Smurfs. In "Fountain of Smurf", Papa Smurf becomes a smurfling and the only way the Smurfs can get him back to normal is with Gargamel's help.
To try and cause trouble to the Smurfs, Gargamel has created other Smurfs, most notably
Smurfette. Smurfette was adopted by the Smurfs, but Sassette the smurfling, who the other smurflings created, was made from the same clay that Gargamel used for Smurfette. Sassette refers to Gargamel as "Pappy Gargamel" and she is the only one in Smurf village who wishes to see some good in him.
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